This is the wiki for Mastermind (Code Breaker), the ICS4U1 culminating project.
The game being implemented is the standard variant of the game, where the solver has to guess a secret code of length 4 in 10 attempts. The game is played on a grid, with 6 possible colors and 4 pegs (for each slot in the code) to provide hints. The operator can choose to make a code and ask the program to guess, or they can ask the program to make a code and guess themselves.
Supported Features
- Gameplay with GUI
- Algorithm Solvers (Program Guesses), with Player Setting the Code
- Donald Knuth 5-Guess Algorithm (Impossible Mode)
- Medium Algorithm
- Basic Algorithm
- Human Solver (User Guesses)
- Algorithm Solvers (Program Guesses), with Player Setting the Code
- File Handling
- Logging (Stores Game History, Activities and Errors in a Log File, mastermind.log)
- Different Code Maker Levels (one with pre-programmed codes, which is file-handling)
- Gameplay
- User Response Validation (All Hints Provided Are Correct)
- Different Code Maker Levels (Using File Handling)
- Help Button (Which Includes Instructions & Tutorial)
- Home Button